I love to discover cafes and restaurants that are usually under the famous bloggers' and influencers' radars. It is an ultimate gratification whenever I encounter some place that I and others have never seen and heard before, much less been to. Plus, there's always a charm in discovering those relatively unknown places, which have the potential of becoming the next darling of most foodies. While Hatch Coffee has become a rising star in Baguio City, only a few outside of it has known this place, which makes it more appealing to me. As of this writing, Hatch Coffee has been open in only a few months, yet it has already drawn loyal patrons and curious vacationers alike. It is located in a residential area, so thank goodness for the signs that led to it. If it weren't for them, we would have spent longer hours going around Manzanillo village on Eastern Road looking for it. We encountered a closed black gate, surrounded by the tall shrubs and climbing vines....