As with many other people, my food choices and eating habits are arbitrary, but there are food places that I keep coming back to. I describe myself mostly as a budget eater. So when the menu appeals to my *pitiful* wallet, okay go! Fast food places are a given. Other than those, I also go to food stalls and food carts. The last two decades or so have seen the increase of food stalls and food carts in the country. You can see those food stalls and food carts everywhere -- the sidewalks along EDSA, office buildings and even some of the poshest malls in the metro. Fortunately, people won't be bored because food stalls and food carts of today are more than just peanuts, chichiria , fish balls and sago't gulaman . Now you can find sandwiches, rice meals, pearl coolers, brewed coffee, doughnuts, burgers, fries, fresh lemon juice, smoothies, nachos and so on and so forth. They're more than just cheap and quick tummy-fillers. Food carts and food stalls have set their ...